Saturday, February 5, 2011



When we plan a vacation , the first thought that comes to our mind is about the safety of our house as well as our vehicles back home.Only few of us own a car garage at our house that is fully secured / locked.  
Vehicle Look-After service can prove handy to such people. You can take care of vehicles , may it be cars , SUVs or motorbikes, while they are on a vacation. Car care could include  a routine start-up of the vehicle, so as to maintain the  battery life. For better customer response and if you can afford a helper you could also offer a car wash. Some people are very particular about how their vehicles are maintained in their absence. So you could exploit this gap and earn some profit from it.

If a proper approach is followed as promised  to the customers at the time of  advertising the business, then people would prefer to leave their vehicles at your centre.
If you provide good and reliable service then  the rest of advertising  will be word-of-mouth. As for the price your going to charge will depend  on your location as well as the presence of other competitors if present. So before deciding on the price, do a thorough study.

Storage of vehicles will need ample space. If you want to specialize only in motorbike storage, then the space needed would be comparatively less than that for 4 wheelers. If you do not own a  space , try to rent  some. Renting would be a safer option . 

Seed Capital : 2-3 Lacs INR (assuming you have space  for vehicle storage)
Requirements : Visiting cards, telephone, permission from the Local Authorities.

That's it! So why not give it a try ? It could work wonders if you have a passion for business!!
All the best for a good start!!! 
Keep on checking for the next idea ! Ciao!!  

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